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Bicycle Accident Litigation and Elk Grove Bicycle Accident Injury Attorneys

Bicycle Accidents on Rise in Elk Grove

Our Elk Grove personal injury Law attorneys understand the attraction of riding a bicycle. As Elk Grove accident attorneys, however, we too frequently see the very dangerous side of biking for recreation or transportation. Because bicyclists are so vulnerable and unprotected, our Elk Grove personal injury law attorney knows that car accident injuries are often very severe and deaths are not uncommon.

At Sette Law Office, our Elk Grove personal injury law attorneys want to see the streets of our home town become safer for bicyclists. But, according to our Elk Grove accident attorneys, bike riders as well as motorists and city planners will have to step up to the challenge of safety in Elk Grove . Accident attorneys believe that motorists must become more aware of bicycle traffic to help prevent Elk Grove car accident injuries involving bicyclists. At the same time, bicyclists need to ride defensively at all times in Elk Grove . Our personal injury law attorney points out that bike riders are most at risk in Elk Grove . Our accident attorney can recount scores of car accident injuries that could have been prevented with greater caution from riders and drivers in Elk Grove .

Accident Attorneys Review Data for Elk Grove

Personal injury law attorneys say that accident data shows just how vulnerable to car accident injuries bike riders are. Referencing data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, our Elk Grove accident attorneys report that in 2013, about 48,000 bicyclists were injured nationwide. Looking closer at the statistics, our Elk Grove personal injury law attorney notes that deadly bicycle accidents are over represented. NHTSA reports that bicycles trips account for just 1 percent of traffic, but Elk Grove bicycle accident attorneys say this represents almost 2 percent of fatalities.

Sacramento personal injury attorney Our Elk Grove personal injury law attorney says that given the current risks associated with bicycling, it's only natural to assume that increased popularity of riding will be accompanied by even more bicycle accidents in Elk Grove . Accident attorneys report that out of 52 cities surveyed, Elk Grove ranks the 31st most dangerous for bike fatalities. In 2013, the Los Angeles Times wrote that “California leads the nation” in bicycle deaths. Our Elk Grove personal injury attorney says that this distinction points out how urgently bicycle education and safety measures are needed in Elk Grove .

Accident Attorneys at Sette Law Office say that bicyclists need to adhere to traffic laws in Elk Grove . Our accident attorneys believe that extreme caution on the part of bicyclists is a matter of survival on the streets of Elk Grove . Our personal injury law attorney also agrese that motorists need to be more aware of increased bicycle traffic in Elk Grove . Accident attorneys at Sette Law Office know that drivers who have injured or killed bicyclists bear a lifetime of regret. And, bicyclists often suffer the worst kinds of injuries in a Elk Grove car accident. Attorneys say that devastating head injuries are not uncommon and make a very strong case for always wearing a bicycle helmet. Our Elk Grove personal injury attorney says that NHTSA reports 70 percent of bicycle deaths involve traumatic brain injury.

Personal injury Law Attorney Promotes Bike Riding and Safety

Sacramento personal injury attorney Frederick J. Sette is the founder of our personal injury law firm Sette Law Office and an attorney with a passion for bicycling. Consequently, he understands both the benefits as well as the dangers of bike riding in Elk Grove . Accident attorney at our personal injury law firm has successfully represented bicycle riders who were seriously injured in a Elk Grove car accident. Our attorneys understand the trauma and financial costs that afflict bicycle accident victims. As one of Elk Grove ’s top personal injury law firms, attorney at Sette Law Office support injured clients and aggressively advocate for their return to physical and financial health.

Please see California Vehicle Code (CVC) for additional information about the operation and use of bicycles and equipment requirements.

Preventing Bicycle accidents in Elk Grove

Personal injury law attorney at Sette Law Office wants families to be informed about California bicycle laws for safety in Elk Grove . Accident attorneys suggest riders and parents of children riding bicycles refer to California Vehicle codes regarding bicycling HERE.

At Sette Law Office, our personal injury attorney believes that education about the risks and benefits of bicycling can lead to safer riding and fewer Elk Grove accidents. Attorneys ask you to be familiar with bicycle regulations and to ride safely in Elk Grove . Our personal injury attorney shares the community’s enthusiasm for biking but our profession as Elk Grove accident lawyers, keeps us realistic about its inherent dangers.

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This website is for general information only about personal injury attorneys and does not constitute a client/lawyer relationship. If you believe that you are entitled to personal injury compensation, contact Frederick Sette. He is an experienced Sacramento personal injury and car accident attorney who is devoted to protecting victims of personal injury in Fairfield, Modesto, Sacramento, Stockton, Napa and surrounding California cities.

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